UKG Pro API Directory

UKG Pro is a human capital management (HCM) solution that simplifies payroll, HR, talent management, and employee engagement. With an easy-to-use interface, it helps businesses manage their workforce efficiently and boost productivity.

UKG Pro APIs allow developers to integrate its HR, payroll, and management features into custom applications. These APIs provide access to employee data, payroll, and more, enabling businesses to build tailored solutions, improve workflows, and create a connected HR system.

Key highlights of UKG Pro APIs are as follows - 

  1. Comprehensive Data Access: They provide seamless access to employee data, payroll, time management, and HR information.

  1. Custom Integrations: They enable the integration of UKG Pro features into custom applications for tailored solutions.

  1. Automation and Efficiency: They help to streamline workflows by automating HR processes like payroll and employee management.

  1. Real-Time Data: They provide real-time access to information, ensuring up-to-date data for decision-making.

  1. Secure and Scalable: They are built with robust security and scalability to support growing business needs.

  1. Developer-Friendly: They offer clear documentation and flexible endpoints to simplify development.

This article will provide an overview of the UKG Pro API endpoints. These endpoints enable businesses to build custom solutions, automate workflows, and streamline HR operations.

UKG Pro API Endpoints

Here are the most commonly used API endpoints in the latest version -

Company Details

  • GET /configuration/v1/company-details

Compensation Details

  • GET /personnel/v1/compensation-details
  • GET /personnel/v1/companies/{companyId}/compensation-details
  • GET /personnel/v1/companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId}/compensation-details
  • GET /personnel/v1/compensation-details/{employeeId}

Employee Deductions

  • GET /personnel/v1/emp-deductions

Employee Change

  • GET /personnel/v1/employee-changes
  • GET /personnel/v1/employee-changes/{employeeId}

Employee Contact Details

  • GET /personnel/v1/contacts
  • GET /personnel/v1/contacts/{contactId}

Employee Contract Details

  • GET /personnel/v1/employee-contract-details

Employee Demographic Details

  • GET /personnel/v1/employee-demographic-details

Employee Education Details

  • GET /personnel/v1/employee-education

Employee Employment Details

  • GET /personnel/v1/employee-employment-details

Employee Job History Details

  • GET /personnel/v1/employee-job-history-details
  • GET /personnel/v1/employee-job-history-details/{systemId}

Employee ID Lookup

  • POST /personnel/v1/employee-ids

Employee Pay Statement

  • POST /payroll/v1/companies/pay-statements-summary
  • POST /payroll/v1/companies/pay-statements
  • POST /payroll/v1/employees/pay-statements
  • POST /payroll/v1/employees/pay-statement/last
  • POST /payroll/v1/employees/pay-statement/{PayIdentifier}

Employment Details

  • GET /personnel/v1/employment-details
  • GET /personnel/v1/companies/{companyId}/employment-details
  • GET /personnel/v1/companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId}/employment-details

Jobs Configuration

  • /configuration/v1/jobgroup
  • /configuration/v1/jobs
  • /configuration/v1/jobs/{code}

Person Details

  • GET /personnel/v1/person-details
  • GET /personnel/v1/companies/{companyId}/person-details
  • GET /personnel/v1/companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId}/person-details
  • GET /personnel/v1/person-details/{employeeId}

PTO Plans

  • GET /personnel/v1/pto-plans
  • POST /personnel/v1/pto-plans
  • PATCH /personnel/v1/companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId}/pto-plans/{ptoPlan}
  • GET /personnel/v1/companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId}/pto-plans/{ptoPlan}
  • GET /personnel/v1/companies/{companyId}/employees/{employeeId}/pto-plans


  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/applications
  • POST /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/applications
  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/applications/{applicationId}
  • POST /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/applications/{applicationId}/documents
  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/applications/{applicationId}/comments
  • POST /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/applications/{applicationId}/comments
  • POST /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/applications/{applicationId}/hire
  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/background-check-order-requests 
  • POST /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/candidates/{candidateId}/background-checks
  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/candidates/{candidateId}/background-checks
  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/candidates/{candidateId}/background-checks/{backgroundCheckId}
  • PUT /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/candidates/{candidateId}/background-checks/{backgroundCheckId}
  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/background-check-results-requests
  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/candidates
  • POST /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/candidates
  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/candidates/{candidateId}
  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/candidates/{candidateId}/user-name-email
  • POST /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/candidates-lookup
  • POST /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/candidates/{candidateId}/documents
  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/candidates/{candidateId}/skills
  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/offers
  • POST /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/offers
  • GET /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/offers/{offerId}/offer-actions
  • POST /talent/recruiting/v2/{tenantalias}/api/offers/{offerId}/submit-for-approval

User Details

  • GET /personnel/v1/user-details

Here’s a detailed reference to all the UKG Pro API Endpoints.


Here are the frequently asked questions about UKG Pro APIs to help you get started:

  1. How do I generate the API key for UKG? Answer
  2. How to Configure Confidential Time Offs Accessible to Only Authorized Managers in UKG Ready? Answer
  3. How to Retrieve Employee’s Pay Statement from UKG PRO? Answer
  4. Authentication and Security for UKG PRO WFM (Dimensions) API Answer
  5. How to Create an API Only User in UKG PRO WFM Answer
  6. UKG Pro WFM Open Shift APIs: Creation, Scheduling, Dynamic Updates for Employee Removal, and Efficient Deletion Answer

Find more FAQs here.

Get started with UKG Pro API

UKG Pro API access is only available by contacting their support or account management team. However, if you want to integrate with multiple HRMS or Recruitment APIs quickly, you can get started with Knit, one API for all top integrations.

To sign up for free, click here. To check the pricing, see our pricing page.

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