Mar 20, 2024

API Monitoring and Logging

In the world of APIs, it's not enough to implement security measures and then sit back, hoping everything stays safe. The digital landscape is dynamic, and threats are ever-evolving. 

Why do you need to monitor your APIs regularly

Real-time monitoring provides an extra layer of protection by actively watching API traffic for any anomalies or suspicious patterns.

For instance - 

  • It can spot a sudden surge in requests from a single IP address, which could be a sign of a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. 
  • It can also detect multiple failed login attempts in quick succession, indicating a potential brute-force attack. 

In both cases, real-time monitoring can trigger alerts or automated responses, helping you take immediate action to safeguard your API and data.

API Logging

Now, on similar lines, imagine having a detailed diary of every interaction and event within your home, from visitors to when and how they entered. Logging mechanisms in API security serve a similar purpose - they provide a detailed record of API activities, serving as a digital trail of events.

Logging is not just about compliance; it's about visibility and accountability. By implementing logging, you create a historical archive of who accessed your API, what they did, and when they did it. This not only helps you trace back and investigate incidents but also aids in understanding usage patterns and identifying potential vulnerabilities.

To ensure robust API security, your logging mechanisms should capture a wide range of information, including request and response data, user identities, IP addresses, timestamps, and error messages. This data can be invaluable for forensic analysis and incident response. 

API monitoring

Combining logging with real-time monitoring amplifies your security posture. When unusual or suspicious activities are detected in real-time, the corresponding log entries provide context and a historical perspective, making it easier to determine the extent and impact of a security breach.

Based on factors like performance monitoring, security, scalability, ease of use, and budget constraints, you can choose a suitable API monitoring and logging tool for your application.

Access Logs and Issues in one page

This is exactly what Knit does. Along with allowing you access to data from 50+ APIs with a single unified API, it also completely takes care of API logging and monitoring. 

It offers a detailed Logs and Issues page that gives you a one page historical overview of all your webhooks and integrated accounts. It includes a number of API calls and provides necessary filters to choose your criterion. This helps you to always stay on top of user data and effectively manage your APIs.

API monitoring & logging

Ready to build?

Get your API keys to try these API monitoring best practices for real

Nov 18, 2023

API Pagination 101: Best Practices for Efficient Data Retrieval

If you are looking to unlock 40+ HRIS and ATS integrations with a single API key, check out Knit API. If not, keep reading

Note: This is our master guide on API Pagination where we solve common developer queries in detail with common examples and code snippets. Feel free to visit the smaller guides linked later in this article on topics such as page size, error handling, pagination stability, caching strategies and more.

In the modern application development and data integration world, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) serve as the backbone for connecting various systems and enabling seamless data exchange. 

However, when working with APIs that return large datasets, efficient data retrieval becomes crucial for optimal performance and a smooth user experience. This is where API pagination comes into play.

In this article, we will discuss the best practices for implementing API pagination, ensuring that developers can handle large datasets effectively and deliver data in a manageable and efficient manner. (We have linked bite sized how-to guides on all API pagination FAQs you can think of in this article. Keep reading!)

But before we jump into the best practices, let’s go over what is API pagination and the standard pagination techniques used in the present day.

What is API Pagination

API pagination refers to a technique used in API design and development to retrieve large data sets in a structured and manageable manner. When an API endpoint returns a large amount of data, pagination allows the data to be divided into smaller, more manageable chunks or pages. 

Each page contains a limited number of records or entries. The API consumer or client can then request subsequent pages to retrieve additional data until the entire dataset has been retrieved.
Pagination typically involves the use of parameters, such as offset and limit or cursor-based tokens, to control the size and position of the data subset to be retrieved. 

These parameters determine the starting point and the number of records to include on each page.

Advantages of API Pagination

By implementing API pagination, developers as well as consumers can have the following advantages - 

1. Improved Performance

Retrieving and processing smaller chunks of data reduces the response time and improves the overall efficiency of API calls. It minimizes the load on servers, network bandwidth, and client-side applications.

2. Reduced Resource Usage 

Since pagination retrieves data in smaller subsets, it reduces the amount of memory, processing power, and bandwidth required on both the server and the client side. This efficient resource utilization can lead to cost savings and improved scalability.

3. Enhanced User Experience

Paginated APIs provide a better user experience by delivering data in manageable portions. Users can navigate through the data incrementally, accessing specific pages or requesting more data as needed. This approach enables smoother interactions, faster rendering of results, and easier navigation through large datasets.

4. Efficient Data Transfer

With pagination, only the necessary data is transferred over the network, reducing the amount of data transferred and improving network efficiency.

5. Scalability and Flexibility

Pagination allows APIs to handle large datasets without overwhelming system resources. It provides a scalable solution for working with ever-growing data volumes and enables efficient data retrieval across different use cases and devices.

6. Error Handling

With pagination, error handling becomes more manageable. If an error occurs during data retrieval, only the affected page needs to be reloaded or processed, rather than reloading the entire dataset. This helps isolate and address errors more effectively, ensuring smoother error recovery and system stability.

Common examples of paginated APIs 

Some of the most common, practical examples of API pagination are: 

  • Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram often employ paginated APIs to retrieve posts, comments, or user profiles. 
  • Online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, and Etsy utilize paginated APIs to retrieve product listings, search results, or user reviews.
  • Banking or payment service providers often provide paginated APIs for retrieving transaction history, account statements, or customer data.
  • Job search platforms like Indeed or LinkedIn Jobs offer paginated APIs for retrieving job listings based on various criteria such as location, industry, or keywords.

API pagination techniques

There are several common API pagination techniques that developers employ to implement efficient data retrieval. Here are a few useful ones you must know:

  1. Offset and limit pagination
  2. Cursor-based pagination
  3. Page-based pagination
  4. Time-based pagination
  5. Keyset pagination

Read: Common API Pagination Techniques to learn more about each technique

Best practices for API pagination

When implementing API pagination in Python, there are several best practices to follow. For example,  

1. Use a common naming convention for pagination parameters

Adopt a consistent naming convention for pagination parameters, such as "offset" and "limit" or "page" and "size." This makes it easier for API consumers to understand and use your pagination system.

2. Always include pagination metadata in API responses

Provide metadata in the API responses to convey additional information about the pagination. 

This can include the total number of records, the current page, the number of pages, and links to the next and previous pages. This metadata helps API consumers navigate through the paginated data more effectively.

For example, here’s how the response of a paginated API should look like -

Copy to clipboard
 "data": [
     "id": 1,
     "title": "Post 1",
     "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.",
     "category": "Technology"
     "id": 2,
     "title": "Post 2",
     "content": "Praesent fermentum orci in ipsum.",
     "category": "Sports"
     "id": 3,
     "title": "Post 3",
     "content": "Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus.",
     "category": "Fashion"
 "pagination": {
   "total_records": 100,
   "current_page": 1,
   "total_pages": 10,
   "next_page": 2,
   "prev_page": null

3. Determine an appropriate page size

Select an optimal page size that balances the amount of data returned per page. 

A smaller page size reduces the response payload and improves performance, while a larger page size reduces the number of requests required.

Determining an appropriate page size for a paginated API involves considering various factors, such as the nature of the data, performance considerations, and user experience. 

Here are some guidelines to help you determine the optimal page size.

Read: How to determine the appropriate page size for a paginated API 

4. Implement sorting and filtering options

Provide sorting and filtering parameters to allow API consumers to specify the order and subset of data they require. This enhances flexibility and enables users to retrieve targeted results efficiently. Here's an example of how you can implement sorting and filtering options in a paginated API using Python:

Copy to clipboard
# Dummy data
products = [
    {"id": 1, "name": "Product A", "price": 10.0, "category": "Electronics"},
    {"id": 2, "name": "Product B", "price": 20.0, "category": "Clothing"},
    {"id": 3, "name": "Product C", "price": 15.0, "category": "Electronics"},
    {"id": 4, "name": "Product D", "price": 5.0, "category": "Clothing"},
    # Add more products as needed

@app.route('/products', methods=['GET'])
def get_products():
    # Pagination parameters
    page = int(request.args.get('page', 1))
    per_page = int(request.args.get('per_page', 10))

    # Sorting options
    sort_by = request.args.get('sort_by', 'id')
    sort_order = request.args.get('sort_order', 'asc')

    # Filtering options
    category = request.args.get('category')
    min_price = float(request.args.get('min_price', 0))
    max_price = float(request.args.get('max_price', float('inf')))

    # Apply filters
    filtered_products = filter(lambda p: p['price'] >= min_price and p['price'] <= max_price, products)
    if category:
        filtered_products = filter(lambda p: p['category'] == category, filtered_products)

    # Apply sorting
    sorted_products = sorted(filtered_products, key=lambda p: p[sort_by], reverse=sort_order.lower() == 'desc')

    # Paginate the results
    start_index = (page - 1) * per_page
    end_index = start_index + per_page
    paginated_products = sorted_products[start_index:end_index]

    return jsonify(paginated_products)


5. Preserve pagination stability

Ensure that the pagination remains stable and consistent between requests. Newly added or deleted records should not affect the order or positioning of existing records during pagination. This ensures that users can navigate through the data without encountering unexpected changes.

Read: 5 ways to preserve API pagination stability

6. Handle edge cases and error conditions

Account for edge cases such as reaching the end of the dataset, handling invalid or out-of-range page requests, and gracefully handling errors. 

Provide informative error messages and proper HTTP status codes to guide API consumers in handling pagination-related issues.

Read: 7 ways to handle common errors and invalid requests in API pagination

7. Consider caching strategies

Implement caching mechanisms to store paginated data or metadata that does not frequently change. 

Caching can help improve performance by reducing the load on the server and reducing the response time for subsequent requests.

Here are some caching strategies you can consider: 

1. Page level caching

Cache the entire paginated response for each page. This means caching the data along with the pagination metadata. This strategy is suitable when the data is relatively static and doesn't change frequently.

2. Result set caching

Cache the result set of a specific query or combination of query parameters. This is useful when the same query parameters are frequently used, and the result set remains relatively stable for a certain period. You can cache the result set and serve it directly for subsequent requests with the same parameters.

3. Time-based caching

Set an expiration time for the cache based on the expected freshness of the data. For example, cache the paginated response for a certain duration, such as 5 minutes or 1 hour. Subsequent requests within the cache duration can be served directly from the cache without hitting the server.

4. Conditional caching

Use conditional caching mechanisms like HTTP ETag or Last-Modified headers. The server can respond with a 304 Not Modified status if the client's cached version is still valid. This reduces bandwidth consumption and improves response time when the data has not changed.

5. Reverse proxy caching

Implement a reverse proxy server like Nginx or Varnish in front of your API server to handle caching. 

Reverse proxies can cache the API responses and serve them directly without forwarding the request to the backend API server. 

This offloads the caching responsibility from the application server and improves performance.

Simplify API pagination 

In conclusion, implementing effective API pagination is essential for providing efficient and user-friendly access to large datasets. But it isn’t easy, especially when you are dealing with a large number of API integrations.

Using a unified API solution like Knit ensures that your API pagination requirements is handled without you requiring to do anything anything other than embedding Knit’s UI component on your end. 

Once you have integrated with Knit for a specific software category such as HRIS, ATS or CRM, it automatically connects you with all the APIs within that category and ensures that you are ready to sync data with your desired app. 

In this process, Knit also fully takes care of API authorization, authentication, pagination, rate limiting and day-to-day maintenance of the integrations so that you can focus on what’s truly important to you i.e. building your core product.

By incorporating these best practices into the design and implementation of paginated APIs, Knit creates highly performant, scalable, and user-friendly interfaces for accessing large datasets. This further helps you to empower your end users to efficiently navigate and retrieve the data they need, ultimately enhancing the overall API experience.

Sign up for free trial today or talk to our sales team

Nov 18, 2023

How to Preserve API Pagination Stability

If you are looking to unlock 40+ HRIS and ATS integrations with a single API key, check out Knit API. If not, keep reading

Note: This is a part of our series on API Pagination where we solve common developer queries in detail with common examples and code snippets. Please read the full guide here where we discuss page size, error handling, pagination stability, caching strategies and more.

Ensure that the pagination remains stable and consistent between requests. Newly added or deleted records should not affect the order or positioning of existing records during pagination. This ensures that users can navigate through the data without encountering unexpected changes.

5 ways for pagination stability

To ensure that API pagination remains stable and consistent between requests, follow these guidelines:

1. Use a stable sorting mechanism

If you're implementing sorting in your pagination, ensure that the sorting mechanism remains stable. 

This means that when multiple records have the same value for the sorting field, their relative order should not change between requests. 

For example, if you sort by the "date" field, make sure that records with the same date always appear in the same order.

2. Avoid changing data order

Avoid making any changes to the order or positioning of records during pagination, unless explicitly requested by the API consumer

If new records are added or existing records are modified, they should not disrupt the pagination order or cause existing records to shift unexpectedly.

3. Use unique and immutable identifiers

It's good practice to use unique and immutable identifiers for the records being paginated. T

This ensures that even if the data changes, the identifiers remain constant, allowing consistent pagination. It can be a primary key or a unique identifier associated with each record.

4. Handle record deletions gracefully

If a record is deleted between paginated requests, it should not affect the pagination order or cause missing records. 

Ensure that the deletion of a record does not leave a gap in the pagination sequence.

For example, if record X is deleted, subsequent requests should not suddenly skip to record Y without any explanation.

5. Use deterministic pagination techniques

Employ pagination techniques that offer deterministic results. Techniques like cursor-based pagination or keyset pagination, where the pagination is based on specific attributes like timestamps or unique identifiers, provide stability and consistency between requests.

Also Read: 5 caching strategies to improve API pagination performance

Oct 29, 2023

API Security 101: Best Practices, How-to Guides, Checklist, FAQs

Note: This is our master guide on API Security where we solve common developer queries in detail with how-to guides, common examples and code snippets. Feel free to visit the smaller guides linked later in this article on topics such as authentication methods, rate limiting, API monitoring and more.

Today an average SaaS company today has 350 integrations. They rely heavily on APIs to share data and functionality, both internally and externally. This reliance has made the need for solid API security practices more crucial than ever. 

The consequences of overlooking API security are nothing short of disastrous, with the potential to expose sensitive data, compromise user privacy, and open the door to cyberattacks that can wreak havoc on an organization's operations.

In this article, we will dive into the world of API security —

  • The ever-evolving threats that surround APIs
  • Best practices to protects your APIs (detailed step-by-step guides for quick implementation)
  • Downloadable API security checklist
  • Answers to common FAQs asked by developers
  • And finally, we will show you how you can eliminate the risks altogether by adopting a new approach to API integration

Whether you're a developer creating APIs or dealing with their seamless integration, these practices will strengthen your infrastructure but also preserve the trust of your users and partners in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape.

So, let’s get started.

API Security Risks

Before diving deeper into the API security best practices, it's crucial to have a solid grasp of the risks and threats that APIs can face. These risks can stem from various sources, both external and internal, and being aware of them is the first step towards effective protection. 

Here are some of the key API security risks to consider:

  1. Unauthorized access
  2. Broken authentication tokens
  3. Injection attacks
  4. Data exposure
  5. Rate limiting and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks 
  6. Third party dependencies
  7. Human error
Read: Common Risks to API Security and their consequences where we discussed all these threats in detail

The old adage "prevention is better than cure" couldn't be more apt in the realm of API security, where a proactive approach is the key to averting devastating consequences for all parties involved.

Keeping this in mind, let’s dive deeper into our API security best practices.

API security best practices

Ensuring API security means providing a safe way for authentication, authorization, data transfer and more.

1. API Authentication and Authorization methods

API authentication and authorization methods are the most essential components of modern web and software development. These methods play a crucial role in ensuring the security and integrity of the data exchanged between systems and applications. 

Authentication verifies the identity of users or systems accessing an API, while authorization determines what actions or resources they are allowed to access. 

With a variety of techniques and protocols available, such as API keys, OAuth, and token-based systems, developers have the flexibility to choose the most suitable approach to protect their APIs and the data they manage.

Read our article on API Authentication Best Practices where we discuss top 5 authentication protocols such as OAuth, Bearer tokens, Basic auth, JWT and API keys in detail.

While choosing the right protocol depends on your specific use case and security requirements, here's a quick comparison of the 5 API authentication methods:

API authentication and authorization

Now, let’s explore how data can be transferred securely between API calls.

2. Secure data transmission: Encryption and HTTPS

When it comes to API security, ensuring that data is transmitted securely is an absolute must. 

Imagine your data is like a confidential letter traveling from sender to receiver through the postal service. Just as you'd want that letter to be sealed in an envelope to prevent prying eyes from seeing its contents, data encryption in transit ensures that the information exchanged between clients and servers is kept safe and confidential during its journey across the internet. 


The go-to method for achieving this security is HTTPS, which is like the secure postal service for your data. 

HTTPS uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) or its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), to encrypt data before it leaves the sender's location and decrypt it only when it reaches the intended recipient. 

Think of TLS/SSL certificates as the unique stamps on your sealed letter; they ensure that the data's journey is tamper-proof and that it's delivered only to the right address. 

So, whenever you see that little padlock icon in your browser's address bar, rest assured that your data is traveling securely, just like that confidential letter in its sealed envelope.

In a world where data breaches are a constant threat, secure data transmission is like the lock and key that keeps your digital communication safe from potential eavesdroppers.

Note: As an API aggregator, Knit, prioritizes user privacy and commit to keeping your data safe in the best way possible. All data at Knit is doubly encrypted at rest with AES 256 bit encryption and in transit with TLS 1.2. Plus, all PII and user credentials are encrypted with an additional layer of application security. Learn more about Knit's security practices here 

3. Input validation and parameter sanitization

In the world of API security, one area that often flies under the radar but is absolutely critical is input validation and parameter sanitization. It's like inspecting every ingredient that goes into a recipe; if you miss something harmful, the entire dish could turn out toxic.

First, let's talk about the risks. 

Input validation failures can open the door to a variety of malicious attacks, with one of the most notorious being injection attacks. 

These crafty attacks involve malicious code or data being injected into an API's input fields, exploiting vulnerabilities and wreaking havoc. Two common types are SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), both of which can lead to data breaches and system compromise. 

To learn more about injection vulnerabilities, read Common API Security Threats Developers Must Know About

How to defend against injection attacks 

Well, think of sanitizing user inputs as thoroughly washing your hands before handling food – it's a fundamental hygiene practice.

By rigorously examining and cleaning incoming data, we can block malicious code from getting through. For instance, when dealing with user-generated content, we should sanitize inputs to remove potentially harmful scripts or queries.

Additionally, for database queries, you should use parameterized statements instead of injecting user inputs directly into SQL queries. This way, even if an attacker tries a SQL injection, their input gets treated as data rather than executable code.

In the above example, we use a parameterized statement (? as a placeholder) to safely handle user input, preventing SQL injection by treating the input as data rather than executable SQL code.

In essence, input validation and parameter sanitization are like the gatekeepers of your API, filtering out the bad actors and ensuring the safety of your system. It's not just good practice; it's a crucial line of defense in the world of API security.

4. Rate limiting and Throttling

Both rate limiting and throttling are critical components of API security, as they help maintain the availability and performance of API services, protect them against abusive usage, and ensure a fair distribution of resources among clients. 

Rate limiting restricts the number of API requests a client can make within a specific timeframe (e.g. requests per second or minute) while throttling is a more flexible approach that slows down or delays the processing of requests from clients who exceeded their allotted rate limit instead of denying requests outright. 

Throttling is useful for ensuring a more graceful degradation of service and a smoother user experience when rate limits are exceeded. The exhaustion of rate limits are often denoted by HTTP error code 429.

These techniques are often implemented in combination with each other to create a comprehensive defense strategy for APIs.

Read: 10 API rate limiting best practices to deal with HTTP error code 429

5. API monitoring and logging

API monitoring and logging are vital for proactive security measures, threat detection, and incident response. 

API monitoring involves the continuous observation of API traffic and activities in real-time. It allows for immediate detection of unusual or suspicious behavior, such as spikes in traffic or unexpected access patterns. Beyond security, it also aids in optimizing performance by identifying bottlenecks, latency issues, or errors in API responses, ensuring smooth and efficient operation. 

API logging involves the recording of all API interactions and events over time. This creates a detailed historical record that can be invaluable for forensic analysis, compliance, and auditing. They are invaluable for debugging and troubleshooting, as they contain detailed information about API requests, responses, errors, and performance metrics. 

Monitoring and logging systems can also trigger alerts or notifications when predefined security thresholds are breached, enabling rapid incident response.

Access Logs and Issues in one page

This is exactly what Knit does. Along with allowing you access to data from 50+ APIs with a single unified API, it also completely takes care of API logging and monitoring. 

It offers a detailed Logs and Issues page that gives you a one page historical overview of all your webhooks and integrated accounts. It includes a number of API calls and provides necessary filters to choose your criterion. This helps you to always stay on top of user data and effectively manage your APIs.

API monitoring & logging

6. Regular security audits and Penetration Testing

Regular security audits and penetration testing are critical components of a comprehensive API security strategy. They help identify vulnerabilities, assess the effectiveness of existing security measures, and ensure that an API remains resilient to evolving threats.

  • Security audits involve a thorough review of an API's design, architecture, and implementation to identify security weaknesses, misconfigurations, and best practice violations, and assess whether an API adheres to security policies, standards, and regulatory requirements. This is also important for ensuring compliance with data protection laws and industry regulations.
  • Meanwhile Penetration testing, or pen testing, involves simulating cyberattacks to identify vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and potential entry points that malicious actors could exploit. It ​​attempt to exploit API vulnerabilities in a controlled environment to assess the API's resilience against real-world threats, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.

The results of penetration testing provide insights into the API's security posture, allowing organizations to prioritize and remediate high-risk vulnerabilities. Penetration tests should be conducted regularly, especially when changes or updates are made to the API, to ensure that security measures remain effective over time.

These practices are essential for safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring the trustworthiness of API-based services.

7. API lifecycle management and decommissioning

A comprehensive approach to API security involves not only establishing APIs securely but also systematically retiring and decommissioning them when they are no longer needed or viable. 

This process involves clearly documenting the API's purpose, usage, and dependencies from the outset to facilitate informed decisions during the decommissioning phase. Also, you should implement version control and deprecation policies, enabling a gradual transition for API consumers and regularly audit and monitor API usage and access controls to detect potential security risks. 

When decommissioning an API, the sunset plan should be communicated with stakeholders while providing ample notice, and assistance to the users in migrating to alternative APIs or solutions.

Finally, a thorough security assessment and testing should be conducted before decommissioning to identify and resolve any vulnerabilities, to ensure that the process is executed securely and without compromising data or system integrity.

Read: Developer's guide to API lifecycle management

8. Third-Party API Security Considerations

When integrating third-party APIs into your application, it's crucial to consider several important security factors. 

  • First and foremost, thoroughly review the reputation and trustworthiness of the API provider. Assess their security practices and history of vulnerabilities. 
  • Additionally, scrutinize the permissions and access levels you grant to the third-party API. Only provide the minimum access necessary for your application to function to limit potential risks. 
  • Monitor the API's security updates and patch management, as vulnerabilities may emerge over time.
  • Ensure that data transmitted between your application and the third-party API is encrypted and protected to safeguard against interception or tampering. 
  • Lastly, have contingency plans in place for potential downtime or security breaches in the third-party API, which might affect your application's availability and data security.
Read: How to evaluate security before choosing a third-party API provider

API security checklist

To sum up everything that we discussed above, here is a checklist that provides a comprehensive overview of critical aspects to consider when securing your APIs, from authentication and authorization to encryption, monitoring, and incident response.
Although, you’ll need to tailor it to your specific needs and regularly review and update it to adapt to evolving security threats and best practices.

To download checklist, click here

Common API security FAQs by developers

We have a separate post to deal with all your day-to-day API security FAQs where we discuss the following and more:

1. How to handle when a token expires – generate and store new?

2. How often should I perform security audits and testing for my APIs?

3. What should I do in case of a security breach involving my API?

4. How can I monitor and log API activity for security purposes?

Read all the FAQs

Enable maximum security for your API integrations with Knit

If you are dealing with a large number of API integrations and looking for smarter solutions, check out unified API solutions like Knit. Knit ensures that you have access to high quality data faster in the safest way possible.

  • Knit is the only unified API in the market that does NOT store a copy of your end user data in its servers or share it with any third party. All of our syncs are event-based and happen via webhooks to ensure that your data is not subjected to any external threats during the transfer. Learn more about Knit's secure data sync here
  • Knit complies with industry best practices and security standards. We are SOC2, GDPR and ISO27001 certified and always in the process of adding more security badges to our collection.
  • We monitor Knit's infrastructure continuously with the finest intrusion detection systems. Plus, our super responsive support team is available 24*7 across all time zones to make sure if at all a security issue occurs, it is resolved immediately.
We understand how crucial your data is. That's why we are always fine-tuning our security measures to offer maximum protection for your user data.  Talk to one of our experts to learn more. If you are ready to build integrations at scale, get your API keys for free
Oct 25, 2023

7 ways to handle common errors and invalid requests in API pagination

Note: This is a part of our series on API Pagination where we solve common developer queries in detail with common examples and code snippets. Please read the full guide here where we discuss page size, error handling, pagination stability, caching strategies and more.

It is important to account for edge cases such as reaching the end of the dataset, handling invalid or out-of-range page requests, and to handle this errors gracefully.

Always provide informative error messages and proper HTTP status codes to guide API consumers in handling pagination-related issues.

Here are some key considerations for handling edge cases and error conditions in a paginated API:

How to handle common errors and invalid requests in API pagination

Here are some key considerations for handling edge cases and error conditions in a paginated API:

1. Out-of-range page requests

When an API consumer requests a page that is beyond the available range, it is important to handle this gracefully. 

Return an informative error message indicating that the requested page is out of range and provide relevant metadata in the response to indicate the maximum available page number.

2.  Invalid pagination parameters

Validate the pagination parameters provided by the API consumer. Check that the values are within acceptable ranges and meet any specific criteria you have defined. If the parameters are invalid, return an appropriate error message with details on the issue.

3. Handling empty result sets

If a paginated request results in an empty result set, indicate this clearly in the API response. Include metadata that indicates the total number of records and the fact that no records were found for the given pagination parameters. 

This helps API consumers understand that there are no more pages or data available.

4. Server errors and exception handling

Handle server errors and exceptions gracefully. Implement error handling mechanisms to catch and handle unexpected errors, ensuring that appropriate error messages and status codes are returned to the API consumer. Log any relevant error details for debugging purposes.

5. Rate limiting and throttling

Consider implementing rate limiting and throttling mechanisms to prevent abuse or excessive API requests. 

Enforce sensible limits to protect the API server's resources and ensure fair access for all API consumers. Return specific error responses (e.g., HTTP 429 Too Many Requests) when rate limits are exceeded.

6. Clear and informative error messages

Provide clear and informative error messages in the API responses to guide API consumers when errors occur. 

Include details about the error type, possible causes, and suggestions for resolution if applicable. This helps developers troubleshoot and address issues effectively.

7. Consistent error handling approach

Establish a consistent approach for error handling throughout your API. Follow standard HTTP status codes and error response formats to ensure uniformity and ease of understanding for API consumers.

For example, consider the following API in Django

Copy to clipboard
from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.views.decorators.http import require_GET


def get_posts(request):
   # Retrieve pagination parameters from the request
   page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
   # Retrieve sorting parameter from the request
   sort_by = request.GET.get('sort_by', 'date')

   # Retrieve filtering parameter from the request
   filter_by = request.GET.get('filter_by', None)

   # Get the total count of posts (example value)
   total_count = 100

   # Calculate pagination details
   total_pages = (total_count + POSTS_PER_PAGE - 1) // POSTS_PER_PAGE
   next_page = page + 1 if page < total_pages else None
   prev_page = page - 1 if page > 1 else None

   # Handle out-of-range page requests
   if page < 1 or page > total_pages:
       error_message = 'Invalid page number. Page out of range.'
       return JsonResponse({'error': error_message}, status=400)

   # Retrieve posts based on pagination, sorting, and filtering parameters
   posts = retrieve_posts(page, sort_by, filter_by)

   # Handle empty result set
   if not posts:
       return JsonResponse({'data': [], 'pagination': {'total_records': total_count, 'current_page': page,
                                                        'total_pages': total_pages, 'next_page': next_page,
                                                        'prev_page': prev_page}}, status=200)

   # Construct the API response
   response = {
       'data': posts,
       'pagination': {
           'total_records': total_count,
           'current_page': page,
           'total_pages': total_pages,
           'next_page': next_page,
           'prev_page': prev_page

   return JsonResponse(response, status=200)

def retrieve_posts(page, sort_by, filter_by):
   # Logic to retrieve posts based on pagination, sorting, and filtering parameters
   # Example implementation: Fetch posts from a database
   offset = (page - 1) * POSTS_PER_PAGE
   query = Post.objects.all()

   # Add sorting condition
   if sort_by == 'date':
       query = query.order_by('-date')
   elif sort_by == 'title':
       query = query.order_by('title')

   # Add filtering condition
   if filter_by:
       query = query.filter(category=filter_by)

   # Apply pagination
   query = query[offset:offset + POSTS_PER_PAGE]

   posts = list(query)
   return posts


8. Consider an alternative

If you work with a large number of APIs but do not want to deal with pagination or errors as such, consider working with a unified API solution like Knit where you only need to connect with the unified API only once, all the authorization, authentication, rate limiting, pagination — everything will be taken care of the unified API while you enjoy the seamless access to data from more than 50 integrations.

Sign up for Knit today to try it out yourself in our sandbox environment (getting started with us is completely free)

Oct 25, 2023

5 Best API Authentication Methods to Dramatically Increase the Security of Your APIs

Note: This is a part of our API Security series where we solve common developer queries in detail with how-to guides, common examples, code snippets and a ready to use security checklist. Feel free to check other articles on topics such as authentication methods, rate limiting, API monitoring and more.

Authentication and authorization are fundamental concepts in API security. These methods are pivotal in safeguarding data, preventing unauthorized access, and maintaining the integrity and privacy of the information exchanged between applications and their APIs. Let’s discuss these in detail.

API Authentication

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or system trying to access an API. It ensures that the entity making the request is who they claim to be.

Strong authentication mechanisms, such as API keys or OAuth tokens, are crucial because they provide a secure way to confirm identity, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

API Authorization

Authorization, on the other hand, comes into play after authentication and determines what actions or resources a user or system is allowed to access within the API. 

This is where role-based access control and granular authorization shine. 

They allow you to define fine-grained permissions, restricting access to only the necessary functions and data, minimizing potential risks.

Knit now allows role-based access control through its User Management feature where you can decide who gets access to what while ensuring managing the health of your integrations as a team via the same dashboard. 

Learn more

Two Factor Authentication 2FA

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two forms of identification before gaining access, typically something they know (like a password) and something they have (like a mobile device or security token). 

It significantly enhances security by thwarting unauthorized access even if login credentials are compromised.

Best API authentication protocols

API authentication protocols are the gatekeepers that ensure only authorized users and systems gain access to the valuable resources offered by these APIs. 

In this article, we will explore some of the best API authentication protocols that provide both developers and users with the confidence that their data and interactions remain protected in today’s interconnected world.

There are various methods you can use to ensure secure authorization to your API, each with its own strengths and use cases. Below are some of the widely used and effective authentication protocols that you can choose from based on your use case: 

P.S. We have included a comparison chart later in this post for you. Keep reading!

1. OAuth (Open Authorization)

OAuth is an industry-standard authentication protocol that allows secure access to resources on behalf of a user or application. 

It is commonly used to grant third-party applications limited access to user data from other services(such as social media platforms or cloud storage) without exposing user credentials with the third party.

The core concept of OAuth is the access token. Access tokens are short-lived, temporary credentials that are issued by an OAuth authorization server. These tokens grant limited access to specific resources on the user's behalf. They are used to authenticate and authorize API requests. 

It also allows for the specification of scopes, which determine the level of access granted to an application. For example, an application might request read-only access to a user's email or the ability to post on their social media feed.

2. Bearer tokens

Bearer tokens are a simple way to authenticate API requests. They serve as proof of authorization and grant access to specific resources or services. They are typically long, random strings of characters that are generated by an authorization server. They can be cryptographically signed to ensure their integrity and validity.

They are stateless, meaning the server or API that receives the token doesn't need to keep track of the token's status or maintain any session state. The token itself contains the necessary information to determine the scope of access.

A bearer token is included in the request header, and if it's valid, the request is processed without the need for further authentication. It's crucial to protect bearer tokens, as anyone with access to them can use the API.

3. API keys

API keys are often used for authentication, especially for server-to-server communication

They are a form of secret key that must be included in the API request header to gain access. While simple to implement, they should be handled securely to prevent misuse. They should never be hard-coded into publicly accessible code or shared openly. Instead, they should be stored securely, often in environment variables or a configuration file.

API keys often come with usage limits to prevent abuse. This helps ensure fair use and protects the API server from overloading due to excessive requests from a single key. 

4. JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

JWTs are a popular authentication method because of their simplicity, portability, and flexibility. It is a token-based authentication method, as it relies on the exchange of tokens for authentication rather than traditional methods like username and password. 

JWTs consist of three parts: a header, a payload, and a signature. The header specifies the type of token and the signing algorithm used. The payload contains claims, which are statements about the user or application. Claims can include user identification, roles, and more. The signature is generated using the header, payload, and a secret key, ensuring the token's integrity.

They can also be configured to include expiration times claims, which enhances security by limiting the token's validity and ensuring it is used only for its intended purpose.

The compact, self-contained nature and support for open standards of JWTs makes them suitable for modern microservices architectures and APIs that require decentralized identity and access control.

5. Basic authentication

Basic Authentication involves sending a username and password in the API request header in the form of Base64-encoded credentials. Base64 encoding is used to obscure the credentials during transmission, however it's not a secure encryption method, as the encoded string can be easily decoded. 

To enhance security, it's crucial to use HTTPS (TLS/SSL) to encrypt the entire communication between the client and the server.

While straightforward, it is not the most secure method, especially if not used over HTTPS, as credentials can be easily intercepted.

To summarize:

Choosing the right protocol depends on your specific use case and security requirements, but it's always essential to prioritize strong authentication and granular authorization to safeguard your API effectively.

Make authentication easier

Knit, being a unified API, takes care of all your authentication needs for all integrated accounts. Here's what you can expect from Knit:

  • Effortless Authentication: Say goodbye to writing and maintaining authentication code for apps in our catalog. Knit takes care of it all.
  • Support for all  auth mechanisms: Knit provides robust support for various authentication mechanisms such as basic authentication (username/password), OAuth authentication, API key based authentication. We also handle additional API parameters, such as tenant details and admin IDs, streamlining your integration process.
  • Enhanced Token Security: Your data security is our priority. Knit employs double encryption for tokens. We encrypt data at the database level using AES256 and at the application level using AES128. Learn more
  • Robust Token Management: Knit automates the refreshing of tokens, removing worries about access token expiration and access scope management.
  • Parameter Handling: Knit takes care of handling extra API parameters such as tenant information and admin IDs, simplifying the integration process
  • Pass-though API: For apps lacking standard APIs, Knit provides a pass-through API, seamlessly managing authentication, making it easier to work with supported applications.

If you are building multiple integration, unified APIs like Knit can dramatically free up your bandwidth by allowing 1:many connection — with just one API key, you can seamlessly integrate with 50+ application across HRIS, ATS, CRM and Accounting. With an API aggregator like this, the time you would spend building and maintaining your integrations can come down to just a few hours from few weeks or even months.

If ready to build, get started for free or talk to our team to learn more

Oct 24, 2023

Common Risks to API Security and How to Mitigate Them

Note: This is a part of our API Security 101 series where we solve common developer queries in detail with how-to guides, common examples and code snippets. Feel free to visit the smaller guides linked later in this article on topics such as authentication methods, rate limiting, API monitoring and more.

In today’s tech-driven world, APIs are the glue that holds different software systems together, making communication smooth and effortless. However, this convenience comes with inherent security risks. Understanding and addressing these risks is crucial for safeguarding sensitive information in interconnected digital ecosystems.

In this article, we will discuss common API security risks and learn how to identify them in order to secure our digital infrastructure.

Common risks to API security developers must know of

1. Unauthorized access 

One of the most common threats to APIs is unauthorized access. 

Without proper authentication and authorization mechanisms in place, malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to your API endpoints, potentially exposing sensitive data or wreaking havoc on your system.

  • APIs are frequently targeted by unauthorized access attempts, posing a significant security risk.
  • In the absence of robust authentication and authorization mechanisms, malicious actors may exploit vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized entry to API endpoints.
  • This unauthorized access can lead to the exposure of sensitive data or cause disruption within your system, emphasizing the importance of implementing robust security measures.

2. Broken authentication tokens

If API tokens or session identifiers are not securely managed, they can be stolen or abused, allowing attackers to impersonate legitimate users and gain unauthorized access.

  • APIs commonly use tokens to authenticate users. When authentication tokens are not securely generated, stored, or transmitted, attackers can exploit these weaknesses.
  • Broken authentication tokens can result in session hijacking, where an attacker gains control over a user's active session by stealing or manipulating their authentication token. This can give the attacker access to the user's account and privileges.
  • To address broken authentication token risks, developers must implement secure token management practices such as strong encryption and regular audits.

3. Injection attacks 

Injection attacks, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS), pose a significant risk to APIs. Attackers can manipulate input data to execute malicious code within your API, leading to data breaches or even system compromise.

  • Injection attacks often involve manipulating SQL queries by injecting malicious code. In APIs, SQL injection occurs when untrusted data is included in database queries. Attackers can execute unauthorized database operations, potentially accessing or modifying sensitive information.
  • Moreover, if an API improperly handles user input and allows it to be part of command execution, attackers can inject malicious commands, leading to unauthorized system operations.
  • API security measures, such as input validation, output encoding, and the principle of least privilege, can help safeguard against injection vulnerabilities.

4. Data Exposure 

Inadequate data protection can result in data exposure. APIs often transmit sensitive information, and if not properly encrypted or secured during transmission, this data can be intercepted by attackers. 

  • Data exposure can occur when APIs use insecure transmission protocols, such as HTTP instead of HTTPS. 
  • Without encryption, data is transmitted in plain text, making it vulnerable to eavesdropping by malicious actors.
  • It can also result from inadequate data masking and validation, leading to data leaks and unauthorized access to sensitive data.

5. Rate Limiting and Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks

APIs are susceptible to DoS attacks, where attackers flood the system with excessive requests, overwhelming it and causing disruptions in service availability.

  1. Third-party Dependencies: Relying on third-party APIs introduces an element of risk, as you have less control over their security practices. Compromised third-party APIs can have a cascading effect on your own API's security.
  2. Human Error: Human mistakes, such as misconfigurations or accidentally exposing API keys, can lead to security breaches. It's crucial to educate your team on security best practices to minimize these risks.

Learn more about 10+1 (bonus) ways to stop being rate limited

Consequences of API security breaches

API security breaches can have far-reaching consequences for both businesses and users alike. 

  • For businesses, these breaches can result in severe financial losses, damage to reputation, and legal liabilities. 
  • Customers and end users are equally affected, facing the potential exposure of sensitive personal information, such as financial data or login credentials, employment data which can lead to identity theft or financial fraud. 

It's crucial for organizations to adopt proactive security measures to mitigate these risks. By prioritizing API security from the outset, businesses can protect their operations and reputation while ensuring the safety and trust of their users.

The old adage "prevention is better than cure" couldn't be more apt in the realm of API security, where a proactive approach is the key to averting devastating consequences for all parties involved.

Take your API security to the next level

If you are dealing with a large number of API integration and looking for smarter solutions, check out unified API solutions like Knit. Knit ensures that you have access to high quality data faster in the safest way possible.

There are 3 ways Knit ensures maximum security.

  • Knit is the only unified API in the market that does NOT store a copy of your end user data in its severs or share it with any third party. All of our syncs are event-based and happens via webhooks to ensure that your data is not subjected to any external threats during the transfer. Learn more about Knit's secure data sync here
  • Knit complies with industry best practices and security standards. We are SOC2, GDPR and ISO27001 certified and always in the process of adding more security badges to our collection.
  • We monitor Knit's infrastructure continuously with the finest intrusion detection systems. Plus, our super responsive support team is available 24*7 across all time zones to make sure if at all a security issue occurs, it is resolved immediately.

If you want to learn more about Knit Security Practices, please talk to one of our experts. We would love to talk to you

Oct 24, 2023

Common API Security FAQs Developers Must Read

Note: This is a part of our API Security series where we solve common developer queries in detail with how-to guides, common examples, code snippets and a ready to use security checklist. Feel free to check other articles on topics such as authentication methods, rate limiting, API monitoring and more.

Below are some common API security FAQs that serve as a valuable resource for understanding, implementing, and maintaining the robust security measures necessary to protect your APIs and the valuable data they handle - 

1. How to handle when a token expires – generate and store new?

When an authentication token used with your API expires, the best practice is to generate a new token and update it in your application's authentication system. 

This process often involves sending a request to the authentication server, such as an OAuth 2.0 token endpoint, with necessary credentials to obtain a fresh token. 

The new token should then be securely stored and used for subsequent API requests. Make sure to handle token expiration gracefully in your application code by checking the token's expiration time and obtaining a new one before it expires to avoid disruptions in API access.

2. How often should I perform security audits and testing for my APIs?

Regular security audits and testing are crucial for maintaining API security. The frequency depends on various factors, including your organization's risk tolerance, regulatory requirements, and the rate of change in your API ecosystem. 

However, as a general guideline:

  • Perform security audits during the initial API design phase.
  • Conduct security testing during the development and integration stages.
  • Schedule regular security assessments, such as vulnerability scans and penetration tests, at least annually or whenever significant changes occur.
  • Additionally, consider conducting security audits and testing in response to emerging threats or high-profile security incidents.

3. What should I do in case of a security breach involving my API?

In the unfortunate event of a security breach involving your API:

  • Contain the breach: Isolate affected systems or resources to prevent further damage.
  • Notify relevant parties: Inform your internal security team, management, and legal counsel.
  • Assess the scope: Determine the extent of the breach, what data may have been compromised, and how the breach occurred.
  • Mitigate the issue: Address the security vulnerability or weakness that led to the breach. Patch any vulnerabilities and secure access points.
  • Notify affected parties: Depending on data protection laws and regulations, you may need to notify affected customers or users about the breach.
  • Enhance security: Review and strengthen your API security measures to prevent future breaches. Update security policies and train your team on security best practices.
  • Cooperate with authorities: If required by law, cooperate with law enforcement agencies or data protection authorities during investigations.
  • Communicate ethically: Maintain clear and transparent communication with stakeholders, including affected parties, throughout the incident response process.

Remember, having a well-documented incident response plan in place beforehand can greatly streamline your actions in case of a security breach involving your API.

4. How can I monitor and log API activity for security purposes?

Monitoring and logging API activity is essential for security. To achieve this, consider implementing the following:

  • Utilize logging libraries: Use logging libraries or frameworks in your application code to record API interactions, including request details, response data, timestamps, and client information.
  • Leverage API gateways: API gateways often provide built-in logging and monitoring features. They can capture data like request/response payloads, error codes, and client IPs.
  • Utilize third-party tools: Explore security information and event management (SIEM) solutions, log analysis tools, or dedicated API monitoring services to centralize and analyze API logs.
  • Set up alerts: Configure alerts and notifications based on predefined security thresholds, such as unusual request patterns, high error rates, or suspicious activities, to take immediate action when necessary.

For example – Knit has a dedicated Logs and Issues page where status each API call and webhook for all your integrated accounts is available for a quick review on a single page. Moreover, Knit continuously monitors all integrations and sends you automated alerts whenever a security threshold is reached.

Oct 24, 2023

10 Best Practices for API Rate Limiting and Throttling

Note: This is a part of our API Security series where we solve common developer queries in detail with how-to guides, common examples, code snippets and a ready to use security checklist. Feel free to check other articles on topics such as authentication methods, rate limiting, API monitoring and more.

Imagine a busy highway during rush hour. Without any traffic control measures, it would quickly become chaotic, leading to accidents and gridlock. Rate limiting and throttling are the traffic cops of the API world, maintaining order and preventing chaos.

What is API Rate Limiting

Rate Limiting is like setting a speed limit on that busy highway. 

With rate limiting, you define the maximum number of requests a client can make to your API within a specified time window, such as requests per second or requests per minute. 

If a client exceeds this limit, they are temporarily blocked from making additional requests, ensuring that your API's resources are not overwhelmed.

What is API Throttling

Throttling is like controlling the flow of traffic at a toll booth. Instead of completely blocking a client when they exceed the rate limit, throttling slows down their requests, spreading them out more evenly over time. 

This helps prevent abrupt spikes in traffic and maintains a steady, manageable flow.

Benefits of Rate Limiting

Now, let's talk about why rate limiting is so crucial in the realm of API security.

1. Preventing abuse

Rate limiting acts as a shield against abuse and malicious attacks. It prevents one client from bombarding your API with a barrage of requests, which could lead to system overload or denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.

2. Ensuring fair usage

Rate limiting ensures fair access for all clients, regardless of their size or importance. It prevents a single client from monopolizing your API's resources, allowing everyone to enjoy a smooth and equitable experience. 

3. Improved reliability

By maintaining control over the rate of incoming requests, you can ensure the reliability and availability of your API. This is especially critical when dealing with limited resources or shared infrastructure.

4. Security

Rate limiting can also be an effective tool in identifying and mitigating potential API security threats. It helps you spot unusual patterns of behavior, such as repeated failed login attempts, which could indicate a brute-force attack.

How to implement rate limiting and throttling

1. Define your rate limiting strategy

There are two steps here -

  • Set rate limits: Determine how many requests a client can make within a specific time window (e.g., requests per second, minute, or hour). This limit should align with your API's capacity and the needs of your users.
  • Choose the time window: Decide on the time window during which the rate limits apply. Common choices include per second, per minute, or per hour.

2. Identify clients

Ensure that clients are properly authenticated, so you can track their usage individually. OAuth tokens, API keys, or user accounts are commonly used for client identification.

Read: Top 5 API Authentication Methods

3. Implement rate limiting logic

  • In-memory or external store: Choose whether to store rate-limiting data in-memory (suitable for smaller-scale applications) or use an external data store like Redis or a database for scalability.
  • Track request count: For each client, keep track of the number of requests made within the current time window.
  • Check request count: Before processing each incoming request, check if the client has exceeded their rate limit for the current time window.

4. Handle rate limit exceedances

If a client exceeds their rate limit, you have several options: 

  • Reject the request with a 429 Too Many Requests HTTP response, 
  • Delay the request (throttling), or 
  • Implement a queuing system to process requests when the rate limit resets.

5. Reset rate limits

Ensure that rate limits reset at the end of the defined time window. Clients should regain access to the API once the time window expires.

6. Logging and monitoring

Implement comprehensive logging to keep track of rate-limiting events and identify potential abuse or anomalies and set up monitoring tools and alerts to detect unusual patterns or rate-limit exceedances in real-time.

7. Inform clients

Include rate-limiting information in the HTTP response headers, such as "X-RateLimit-Limit," "X-RateLimit-Remaining," and "X-RateLimit-Reset," so clients can be aware of their rate limits.

8. Test and iterate

Thoroughly test your rate-limiting implementation to ensure it works as expected without false positives or negatives and monitor the effectiveness of your rate-limiting strategy and adjust it as needed based on actual usage patterns and evolving requirements.

9. Consider rate limiting algorithms

There are two options here -

  • Token bucket algorithm: This is a common rate limiting algorithm where tokens are added to a bucket at a fixed rate. Clients can only make requests if they have tokens in their bucket.
  • Leaky bucket algorithm: In this algorithm, requests are processed at a fixed rate. Excess requests are stored in a "leaky bucket" and processed when there's capacity.

10. Implement API throttling (Optional)

If you choose to implement throttling, slow down requests for clients who exceed their rate limits rather than blocking them entirely. This can be achieved by delaying request processing or using a queue system.

Stop being rate limited

Unified APIs like Knit can absolve your rate limiting problem by making sure data sync happens smoothly even during bulk transfer.

For example, Knit has a couple of preventive mechanisms in place to handle rate limits of for all the supported apps.

  • Knit has retry, delay mechanisms, and other resiliency measures to make sure no information is missed.  
  • We make sure that we space out the API calls so that we don't hit the app rate limit, or concurrency limit.
  • And in case a rate limit has been hit, Knit immediately responds to 429 error code absolving you of the burden to solve the rate limiting issue on your end. It immediately implements the retry mechanisms that would intercept the failed request, and retry it when the rate limit allows.

These retry and delay mechanisms ensure that you don't miss out on any data or API calls because of rate limits. This becomes essential when we handle data at scale. For example, while fetching millions of applications in ATS or thousands of employees in HRIS.

Along with rate limits, Knit has other data safety measures in place that lets you sync and transfer data securely and efficiently, while giving you access to 50+ integrated apps with just a single API key. Thus, helping you scale your integration strategy 10X faster.

Learn more or get your API keys for a free trial

Oct 24, 2023

Quick Guide to API Lifecycle Management and Decommissioning

Note: This is a part of our API Security series where we solve common developer queries in detail with how-to guides, common examples, code snippets and a ready to use security checklist. Feel free to check other articles on topics such as authentication methods, rate limiting, API monitoring and more.

Securing your APIs is not a one-time effort but a journey that begins at the very inception of your API idea and continues throughout its entire lifecycle.

While much attention is often devoted to the creation and maintenance of APIs, the process of API lifecycle management and decommissioning is sometimes overlooked, though it is a vital component of any organization's IT strategy. Neglecting this phase can lead to security vulnerabilities, data privacy issues, and operational headaches. In this article, we will discuss the reasons behind API decommissioning, best practices for doing so, and the significance of a well-executed exit strategy to ensure that your API landscape remains secure, efficient, and resilient from inception to retirement.

Stages in API Lifecycle

Following are some of the key phases in a API’s lifecycle —

1. Design phase

Security should be a foundational consideration in the design phase. Consider access controls, data encryption, and authentication mechanisms right from the start. This is where you lay the groundwork for a secure API.

Read: API Security 101 where we discussed all these in details

2. Development phase

During development, follow secure coding practices and conduct code reviews to catch potential vulnerabilities. Implement input validation, sanitize user inputs, and enforce least privilege principles to reduce attack surfaces.

3. Deployment phase

As you deploy your API, configure security settings, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access controls. Use HTTPS to encrypt data in transit and ensure secure server configurations.

4, Operations phase

Continuously monitor your API in production. Implement real-time security monitoring and logging to detect and respond to threats promptly. Regularly update dependencies and patches to keep your API secure against known vulnerabilities.

5. Retirement Phase

Even when an API is no longer in active use, its data and code may still pose a security risk. Securely decommission APIs by revoking access, deleting sensitive data, and disabling unnecessary endpoints. This phase ensures that the legacy of your API doesn't become a liability.

API Decommissioning best practices

The retirement of an API is often overlooked but is just as critical to security as its deployment. Think of it as responsibly dismantling a building to prevent accidents. Securely decommissioning APIs involves a systematic process to minimize potential risks:

  • Identify legacy APIs: First, identify APIs that are no longer in use or have become obsolete. Keep a record of which endpoints and resources they access.
  • Audit access: Ensure that access to these APIs is restricted to only authorized personnel. Remove unnecessary user privileges and access rights.
  • Data cleanup: Delete any sensitive or confidential data associated with retired APIs. Ensure that data is properly archived or anonymized as required by data protection regulations.
  • Update documentation: Update your documentation to reflect the retirement status of the API. Make it clear that the API is no longer supported or actively maintained.
  • Redirect or disable: Consider implementing redirection mechanisms for clients still attempting to access the retired API, guiding them to more current alternatives. Alternatively, disable the API entirely if no further use is expected.

By considering security at every phase of the API lifecycle and ensuring secure decommissioning, you not only protect your digital assets but also demonstrate a commitment to safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining the trust of your users and partners.

Related Reading

API Security best practices

Oct 24, 2023

How to Evaluate API Security of a Third Party API Provider

Note: This is a part of our API Security series where we solve common developer queries in detail with how-to guides, common examples, code snippets and a ready to use security checklist. Feel free to check other articles on topics such as authentication methods, rate limiting, API monitoring and more.

Using third party apps like unified APIs or workflow automation tools for efficiently building and managing integrations is common practice today. 

Read: Build or Buy: best product integration strategy for SaaS businesses

How to evaluate third-party APIs

Before integrating a third-party API into your system; you should ensure they're trustworthy and won't compromise your security. Here’s what you need to ensure:

1. Research thoroughly

Begin by conducting extensive research on the API provider. Consider their reputation, history of security incidents, and customer reviews. Choose providers with a proven track record of security.

Note: Knit is the only unified API in the market today that does not store a copy of your end user’s data thus ensuring the maximum security while fetching and syncing data. Learn more 

2. Review documentation

Carefully review the API documentation provided by the third party. Look for security-related information, such as authentication methods, data encryption, and rate limiting. Ensure that the documentation is comprehensive and up-to-date.

3. Test security

Perform security testing, including vulnerability assessments and penetration testing, on the third-party API. This simulates potential attacks and helps identify weaknesses in the API's security controls.

4. Check compliance 

Ensure that the third-party API complies with industry standards and regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, SOC2, or PCI DSS, depending on your specific requirements. Learn more

5. Assess authentication and authorization protocols

Assess the API's authentication and authorization mechanisms. Verify that it supports secure authentication methods like OAuth, API keys, or JWT, and that it allows for granular access control.

6. Check data encryption methods

Confirm that data transmitted to and from the API is encrypted using protocols like HTTPS. Encryption safeguards data during transit, preventing eavesdropping.

7. Consider rate limiting practices

Check if the API provider offers rate limiting to prevent abuse and protect against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Learn more on Rate Limiting Best Practices

8. Review incident response plan

Inquire about the API provider's incident response plan. Understand how they handle security incidents, disclose breaches, and communicate with customers.

Implement risk mitigation strategies

Once you've evaluated and decided to integrate a third-party API, it's vital to put safeguards in place to mitigate potential risks, even when you fully trust your provider:

1. API gateway

Implement an API gateway as an intermediary layer between your application and the third-party API. This allows you to add an extra level of security, perform authentication and authorization checks, and apply rate limiting if the third-party API lacks these features.

2. Security tokens

Utilize security tokens like API keys or OAuth tokens for authentication with the third-party API. Protect these tokens as sensitive credentials and rotate them regularly.

3. Data validation

Implement data validation to sanitize and validate data exchanged with the third-party API. This helps prevent injection attacks and ensures data integrity.

4. Monitoring and Logging

Continuously monitor the interactions with the third-party API for suspicious activities. Implement robust logging to record API transactions and responses for auditing and incident response.

5. Rate limiting and throttling

Apply rate limiting and throttling on your side to control the volume of requests made to the third-party API. This can help protect your system from unexpected spikes and ensure fair usage.

6. Error handling

Implement proper error handling for interactions with the third-party API. This includes handling API outages gracefully and providing informative error messages to users.

7. Fallback mechanisms

Plan for contingencies if the third-party API becomes unavailable or experiences issues. Implement fallback mechanisms to maintain the functionality of your application.

8. Regular updates

Stay updated with changes and updates from the third-party API provider. Ensure your integration remains compatible with their evolving security features and recommendations.

By diligently evaluating third-party APIs and implementing safeguards, you can harness the benefits of external APIs while safeguarding your system's integrity and security. It's a delicate balance between innovation and protection that's essential in today's interconnected digital landscape.

Take your API security to the next level

If you are looking for a unified API provider that takes API and data security seriously, you can try Knit. It doesn’t store any of your user data and uses the latest tools to stay on top of any potential issues while complying with security standards such as SOC2, GDPR, and ISO27001.

Get your API keys or talk to our experts to discuss your customization needs

Oct 20, 2023

5 API Pagination Techniques You Must Know

Note: This is a part of our series on API Pagination where we solve common developer queries in detail with common examples and code snippets. Please read the full guide here where we discuss page size, error handling, pagination stability, caching strategies and more.

There are several common API pagination techniques that developers employ to implement efficient data retrieval. Here are a few useful ones you must know:

1. Offset and Limit Pagination

This technique involves using two parameters: "offset" and "limit." The "offset" parameter determines the starting point or position in the dataset, while the "limit" parameter specifies the maximum number of records to include on each page.

For example, an API request could include parameters like "offset=0" and "limit=10" to retrieve the first 10 records.

GET /aCpi/posts?offset=0&limit=10

2. Cursor-Based Pagination

Instead of relying on numeric offsets, cursor-based pagination uses a unique identifier or token to mark the position in the dataset. The API consumer includes the cursor value in subsequent requests to fetch the next page of data.

This approach ensures stability when new data is added or existing data is modified. The cursor can be based on various criteria, such as a timestamp, a primary key, or an encoded representation of the record.

For example - GET /api/posts?cursor=eyJpZCI6MX0

In the above API request, the cursor value `eyJpZCI6MX0` represents the identifier of the last fetched record. This request retrieves the next page of posts after that specific cursor.

3. Page-Based Pagination

Page-based pagination involves using a "page" parameter to specify the desired page number. The API consumer requests a specific page of data, and the API responds with the corresponding page, typically along with metadata such as the total number of pages or total record count. 

This technique simplifies navigation and is often combined with other parameters like "limit" to determine the number of records per page.
For example - GET /api/posts?page=2&limit=20

In this API request, we are requesting the second page, where each page contains 20 posts.

4. Time-Based Pagination

In scenarios where data has a temporal aspect, time-based pagination can be useful. It involves using time-related parameters, such as "start_time" and "end_time", to specify a time range for retrieving data. 

This technique enables fetching data in chronological or reverse-chronological order, allowing for efficient retrieval of recent or historical data.

For example - GET/api/events?start_time=2023-01-01T00:00:00Z&end_time=2023-01-31T23:59:59Z

Here, this request fetches events that occurred between January 1, 2023, and January 31, 2023, based on their timestamp.

5. Keyset Pagination

Keyset pagination relies on sorting and using a unique attribute or key in the dataset to determine the starting point for retrieving the next page. 

For example, if the data is sorted by a timestamp or an identifier, the API consumer includes the last seen timestamp or identifier as a parameter to fetch the next set of records. This technique ensures efficient retrieval of subsequent pages without duplication or missing records.

To further simplify this, consider an API request GET /api/products?last_key=XYZ123. Here, XYZ123 represents the last seen key or identifier. The request retrieves the next set of products after the one with the key XYZ123.

Also read: 7 ways to handle common errors and invalid requests in API pagination

Oct 20, 2023

How to determine the appropriate page size for a paginated API

Note: This is a part of our series on API Pagination where we solve common developer queries in detail with common examples and code snippets. Please read the full guide here where we discuss page size, error handling, pagination stability, caching strategies and more.

It is important to select an optimal page size that balances the amount of data returned per page for optimal pagination.

A smaller page size reduces the response payload and improves performance, while a larger page size reduces the number of requests required.

Determining an appropriate page size for a paginated API involves considering various factors, such as the nature of the data, performance considerations, and user experience. 

Here are some guidelines to help you determine the optimal page size.

1. Understand the data characteristics

Consider the size and complexity of the individual records in your dataset. 

  • If the records are relatively small, you may be able to accommodate a larger page size without significant performance impact. 
  • On the other hand, if the records are large or contain complex nested structures, it's advisable to keep the page size smaller to avoid excessively large response payloads.

2. Consider network latency and bandwidth

Take into account the typical network conditions and the potential latency or bandwidth limitations that your API consumers may encounter. 

If users are on slower networks or have limited bandwidth, a smaller page size can help reduce the overall transfer time and improve the responsiveness of your API.

3. Evaluate performance impact

Consider the performance implications of larger page sizes. 

While larger page sizes can reduce the number of API requests needed to retrieve a full dataset, they may also increase the response time and put additional strain on server resources. 

Measure the impact on performance and monitor the server load to strike a balance between page size and performance.

4. Consider user experience and usability

Think about how API consumers will interact with the paginated data. 
  • Larger page sizes may result in fewer pages to navigate through, which can improve the user experience by reducing the number of pagination interactions. 
  • However, excessively large page sizes may make it challenging for users to find specific records or navigate through the data efficiently. 

Consider the use cases and the needs of your API consumers when determining an optimal page size.

5. Provide flexibility with pagination parameters

Instead of enforcing a fixed page size, consider allowing API consumers to specify their preferred page size as a parameter. This flexibility empowers consumers to choose a page size that best suits their needs and network conditions.

6. Solicit user feedback

If possible, gather feedback from API consumers to understand their preferences and requirements regarding the page size. Consider conducting surveys or seeking feedback through user forums or support channels to gather insights into their expectations and any pain points they might be experiencing.

This will help you find a pattern for solving similar use cases and serve better.

Also Read: How to preserve pagination stability

Oct 19, 2023

Best Developer Communities to Join in 2023

Software development is not a piece of cake. 

With new technologies, stacks, architecture and frameworks coming around almost every week, it is becoming ever more challenging. To thrive as a software developer, you need an ecosystem of those who have similar skills and interests, who you can network with and count on when you are in a fix. The best developer communities help you achieve just that. 

If you have been searching for top developer communities to learn about coding best practices, knowledge sharing, collaboration, co-creation and collective problem solving – you have come to the right place. 

We made this list of 25+ most engaging and useful developer communities that you may want to join, depending on your requirements and expectations. 

Pro-tip: Don’t limit yourself to one community, rather, expand your horizon by joining all that are relevant. (For ease of understanding we have divided the list into a few categories to help you pick the right ones.)

General communities

Following is a list of developer communities that are open to all and have something for everyone, across tech stacks and experience. Most of these communities have dedicated channels for specific tech stack/ language/ architecture discussion that you should consider exploring.

1. StackOverflow

One of the top developer communities and a personal choice for most software developers is StackOverflow. With a monthly user base of 100 Mn+, StackOverflow is best known for being a go-to platform for developers for any questions they may have i.e. a platform for technical knowledge sharing and learning. Cumulatively, it has helped developers 45 Bn+ times to answer their queries. It offers chatOps integrations from Slack, Teams, etc. to help with asynchronous knowledge sharing. It is for all developers looking to expand their knowledge or senior industry veterans who wish to pay forward their expertise. 

best online communities for developers

Be a part of StackOverflow to:

  • Get real time expert inputs and answers to your queries
  • Be a part of community building by upvoting correct answers 
  • Provide correct and intellectual answers to challenging questions posted
  • Shorten your time to market with immediate information
  • Get access to a centralized knowledge repository

2. Hashnode

One of the best developer communities for blogging is Hashnode. It enables developers, thought leaders and engineers to share their knowledge on different tech stacks, programming languages, etc. As a free content creation platform, Hashnode is a great developer community for sharing stories, showcasing projects, etc. 

best developer writing communities

Be a part of Hashnode to:

  • Write and read blogs/ share stories for free without ads
  • Built -in newsletters to get subscribers
  • Get inputs from peers on drafts
  • Participate in writing challenges to get up your tech blogging game

3. HackerNoon

HackerNoon is one of those top developers communities for technologists to learn about the latest trends. They currently have 35K+ contributors with a readership of 5-8 million enthusiasts who are curious to learn about the latest technologies and stacks.

online developer forum

Be a part of HackerNoon to:

  • Contribute tech stories based on your experiences and learnings
  • Learn about the different tech updates like cryptocurrency, blockchain, etc.

4. GitHub

If you are looking for a code hosting platform and one of the most popular developer communities, GitHub is the place for you. It is a community with 100 Mn+ developers with 330 Mn+ projects and enables developers to build, scale, and deliver secure software.

best online dev community

You should join GitHub to:

  • Access collaborative codespaces for fully configured dev environments
  • Get suggestions for whole lines or entire functions
  • Want to search, expand or navigate your code
  • Get instant notifications for push request on your code repository

5. Hacker News

Hacker News is a leading social news site and one the best developer communities for latest news on computer science and entrepreneurship. Run by the investment fund and startup incubator, Y Combinator, is a great platform to share your experiences and stories. It allows you to submit a link to the technical content for greater credibility.

You should join Hacker News to:

  • Share your technical content with a wide range of developers and tech enthusiasts
  • Participate in great technical contests

6. Women Who Code

An exclusive developer community to enable women to thrive and excel in the field of technology. With approximately 300K+, Women Who Code has largely (50%) engineers, and about 1/4th (26%) from other tech roles like architects, consultants, etc. The rest are executives, designers, management professionals, among others.

best online tech forum for women

Join Women Who Code, if you want access to:

  • Coding resources including tutorials, videos, articles to excel in programming
  • A global community which conducts 2000+ events annually to network with peers
  • WWCode Job Board to apply for tech roles in leading companies for a thriving career
  • Scholarships and incentives for events and networking opportunities

7. Reddit

If you are looking for a network of communities, Reddit is where you should be. You can have conversations on all tech stacks and network with peers. With 330 Million+ active users, Reddit is ideal for developers who want to supplement technical discussions with others on the sidelines like those about sports, books, etc. Just simply post links, blogs, videos or upvote others which you like to help others see them as well.

Join Reddit to:

  • Learn something new, especially about topics you haven’t even heard about remotely
  • Get best advice for decision making on your coding challenges or a new job you want to pick up
  • Access news about the latest technologies and everything else which is fake proof and you don’t have to double check everything you read.

8. CodeProject

As the tagline says, for those who code, CodeProject is one of the best developer communities to enhance and refine your coding skills. You can post an article, ask a question and even search for an article on anything you need to know about coding across web development, software development, Java, C++ and everything else. It also has resources to facilitate your learning on themes of AI, IoT, DevOpS, etc. 

coding community

Joining CodeProject will be beneficial for those who:

  • Want to participate in discussions on latest coding trends
  • Wish to socialize with professionals from Microsoft, Oracle, etc. and accelerate their learning curve 
  • Participate in interesting coding challenges to win prizes and refine their coding game
  • Participate in coding surveys to contribute to sentiment studies

Specific communities (for CTOs and Junior developers)

While the above mentioned top developer communities are general and can benefit all developers and programmers, there are a few communities which are specific in nature and distinct for different positions, expertise and level of seniority/ role in the organization. Based on the same, we have two types below, developer communities for CTOs and those for junior developers.

Here are the top developer communities for CTOs and technology leaders. 

9. CTO Craft

CTO Craft is a community for CTOs to provide them with coaching, mentoring and essential learning to thrive as first time technology leaders. The CTOs who are a part of this community come from small businesses and global organizations alike. This community enables CTOs to interact and network with peers and participate in online and offline events to share solutions, around technology development as well as master the art of technology leadership.

top online communities for CTOs

As a CTO, you should join the CTO Craft to:

  • Get access to a private Slack group exclusively for 100s of experienced CTOs
  • Participate in panel discussions, roundtables, and even networking receptions
  • Receive online mentorship and webinar access, along with guided CTO discussions

While you can get started for free, membership at £200 / month will get you exclusive access to private events, networks, monthly mentoring circles and much more.

10. Global CTO Forum

As a community for CTOs, Global CTO Forum, brings together technology leaders from 40+ countries across the globe. It is a community for technology thought leaders to help them teach, learn and realize their potential.

Be a part of the Global CTO Forum to:

  • Expand your professional community and network with other CTOs and tech leaders
  • Grow faster as a CTO with exclusive mentorship opportunities
  • Build a brand as a CTO by getting nominated as a speaker for tech events
  • Participate if GCF Awards and get recognized for your tech expertise

As an individual, you can get started with Global CTO Forum at $180/ year to get exclusive job opportunities as a tech leader, amplify your brand with GCF profile and get exclusive discounts on events and training.

The following top developer communities are specifically for junior developers who are just getting started with their tech journey and wish to accelerate their professional growth.

11. Junior Dev

Junior Dev is a global community for junior developers to help them discuss ideas, swap stories, and share wins or catastrophic failures. Junior developers can join different chapters in this developer community according to their locations and if a chapter doesn’t exist in your location, they will be happy to create one for you.

best communities for junior software developers

Join Junior Dev to:

  • Be a part of their Slack channel and connect with peers, industry experts and other experienced developers
  • Attend meetups in your locations for networking and learning
  • Become a speaker at different Junior Dev events and local meetups
  • Access learning resources to strive professionally

12. Junior Developer Group

Junior Developer Group is an international community to help early career developers gain skills, build strong relationships and receive guidance. As a junior developer, you may know the basics of coding, but there are additional skills that can help you thrive as you go along the way.

Junior Developer Group can help you to:

  • Work on real-time projects to practice and polish your skills
  • Get learning on managing Jira projects, effective communication, agile ways of working, etc. 
  • Attend Discord meetings and events for workshops, planning future projects, answering questions

Specialized communities

Let’s now dive deep into some communities which are specific for technology stacks and architectures.

13. Pythonista Cafe

Pythonista Cafe is a peer to peer learning community for Python developers. It is an invite only developer community. It is a private forum platform that comes at a membership fee. As a part of Pythonista Cafe, you can discuss a broad range of programming questions, career advice, and other topics.

best online forum for Python developers

Join Pythonista Cafe to:

  • Interact with professional Python developers in a private setting
  • Help other Python developers grow and succeed
  • Get access to one-off Python training (courses & books) and book 1:1 coaching

14. Reactiflux

Reactiflux is a global community of 200K+ React developers across React JS, React Native, Redux, Jest, Relay and GraphQL. With a combination of learning resources, tips, QnA schedules and meetups, Reactiflux is an ideal community if you are looking to build a career in anything React.

online community of React developers

Join Reactiflux if you want to:

  • Get access to a curated learning path and recommended learning resources on Javascript, React, Redux, and related topics
  • Attend Q&A’s and events with Facebook Engineers and React community developers
  • Get access to previous events and QnA’s in the form of transcripts to learn and grow

15. Java Programming Forums

Java Programming Forums is a community for Java developers from all across the world. This community is for all Java developers from beginners to professionals as a forum to post and share knowledge. The community currently has 21.5K+ members which are continuously growing. 

online community for Java programmers

If you join the Java Programming Forums, you can:

  • Ask questions and start new threads on different topics within Java
  • Respond to unanswered questions
  • Access blogs and videos on Java to refine your skills and coding knowledge
  • Attend daily/ regular events and discussions to stay updated

16. PHP Builder

PHP Builder is a community of developers who are building PHP applications, right from freshers to professionals. As a server side platform for web development, working on PHP can require support and learning, which PHP Builder seeks to provide. 

best PHP developer community

As a member of PHP Builder, you can:

  • Get access to learning resources from PHP coders and students as well as getting started guide
  • Comprehensive articles on architecture, HTML/CSS, PHP functions, etc. along with  a library of PHP code snippets to browse through
  • Archives of tips and pointers from experienced PHP developers focused on hacks and scripts

17. Kaggle

Kaggle is one of the best developer communities for data scientists and machine learning practitioners. With Kaggle, you can easily find data sets and tools you need to build AI models and work with other data scientists. With Kaggle, you can get access to 50K+ public datasets and 400K+ public notebooks.

As a developer community, Kaggle can help you with:

  • No-setup, customizable, Jupyter Notebooks environment
  • Accessing GPUs at no cost to you and a huge repository of community published data & code
  • Hundreds of trained, ready-to-deploy machine learning models
  • Refining your data science and machine learning skills by participating in competitions

18. CodePen

CodePen is an exclusive community for 1.8 million+ front end developers and designers by providing a social development environment. As a community, it allows developers to write codes in browsers primarily in front-end languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and preprocessing syntaxes. Most of the creations in CodePen are public and open source. It is an online code editor and a community for developers to interact with and grow. 

If you join CodePen, you can:

  • Use CodePen Editor to build entire projects or isolate code for feature testing
  • Participate in CodePen challenges and get visibility among the top developers
  • Share your work with one of the most active front-end developer communities and start trending

Communities for Tech Founders

Finally, we come to the last set of the top developer communities. This section will focus on developer communities which are exclusively created for tech founders and tech entrepreneurs. If you have a tech background and are building a tech startup or if you are playing the dual role of founder and CTO for your startup, these communities are just what you need. 

19. IndieHackers

Indie Hackers is a community of founders who have built profitable businesses online and brings together those who are getting started as first time entrepreneurs. It is essentially a thriving community of those who build their own products and businesses. While seasoned entrepreneurs share their experiences and how they navigated through their journey, the new ones learn from these. 

best online community for SaaS founders

Joining Indie Hackers will enable you to:

  • Connect with founders of profitable online businesses who have been there and done what you seek to achieve
  • Get feedback and suggestions on your business ideas, codes, landing pages, etc. from seasoned startup founders
  • Read stories about startup founders, their successes, challenges and how they hit it big
  • Attend Indie Hackers meet up and connect with fellow entrepreneurs

20. SaaS Club

If you are an early stage SaaS founder or an entrepreneur planning to build a SaaS business, the SaaS Club is a must community to be at. The SaaS Club has different features that can help founders hit their growth journey from 0 to 1 and then from 1 to 100. 

Be a part of the SaaS Club to:

  • Get step by step advice to start and scale up your business
  • Get honest feedback in real time to make quick changes
  • Get access to a 12-week group coaching program to launch your product, build your business and grow recurring revenue

You can join the waitlist for the coaching program at $2,000 and get access to course material, live coaching calls, online discussion channel, etc.

21. GrowthMentor

Growth Mentor is an invite only curated community for startup founders to get vetted 1:1 advice from mentors. With this community, founders have booked 25K+ sessions so far and 78% of them have reported an increase in confidence post a session. Based on your objective to validate your idea, go to market, scale your growth, you can choose the right mentor with the expertise you need to grow your tech startup. 

You should join Growth Mentor if you want to:

  • Get on to 1:1 calls with vetted mentors over Zoom or Google Meet
  • Find your blindspots and challenges quickly, and fix them too
  • Get personalized advice on your business and growth strategy
  • Access podcasts and videos on growth as a tech startup

The pricing for Growth Mentor starts at $30/ mo which gives you access to 2 calls/ month, 100+ hours of video library, access to Slack channel and opportunity to join the city squad. These benefits increase as you move up the membership ladder. 

22. Founders Network

Founders Network is a global community of tech startup founders with a goal to help each other succeed and grow. It focuses on a three pronged approach of advice, perspective, and connections from a strong network. The tech founders on Founders Network see this as a community to get answers, expand networks and even get VC access. It is a community of 600+ tech founders, 50% of whom are serial entrepreneurs with an average funding of $1.1M. 

Be a part of the Founders Network to:

Get exclusive access to founders-only forums, roundtable events, and other high-touch programs for peer learning across 25 global tech hubs

  • Receive $500k in startup discounts, access to top-tier VCs, and visibility among 35K+ followers
  • Get access to the mentoring programs and online mentorship platform for peer to peer mentorship, amidst 2 global tech summits

Founders Network is an invite only community starting with a membership fee of $58.25/mo, when billed annually. Depending on your experience and growth stage, the pricing tiers vary giving your greater benefits and access.

Final Thoughts 

If you are a developer, joining some of these top developer communities can help you accelerate your growth professionally. Based on your preferred tech stack and experience, choose the developer communities that best suit your needs. Don’t shy away from joining more than one community. While most of these best developer communities are free, some might come at a small cost, which you can consider an investment in your career growth. Make sure whichever community you choose gives you with the resources, networks and support that can help you thrive as a developer.